Characterization of mAb6-9-1 monoclonal antibody against hemagglutinin of avian influenza virus H5N1 and its engineered derivative, single-chain variable fragment antibody

  • Róza Sawicka
  • Paweł Siedlecki
  • Barbara Kalenik
  • Jan P Radomski
  • Violetta Sączyńska
  • Anna Porębska
  • Bogusław Szewczyk
  • Agnieszka Sirko
  • Anna Góra-Sochacka Institute of Biochemistry and Biophysics, Polish Academy of Sciences
Keywords: influenza virus, monoclonal antibody, scFv, hemagglutinin, antigenic epitope


Hemagglutinin (HA), as a major surface antigen of influenza virus, is widely used as a target for production of neutralizing antibodies. Monoclonal antibody, mAb6-9-1, directed against HA of highly pathogenic avian influenza virus A/swan/Poland/305-135V08/2006(H5N1) was purified from mouse hybridoma cells culture and characterized. The antigenic specificity of mAb6-9-1 was verified by testing its cross-reactivity with several variants of HA. The mimotopes recognized by mAb6-9-1 were selected from two types of phage display libraries. The comparative structural model of the HA variant used for antibody generation was developed to further facilitated epitope mapping. Based on the sequences of the affinity-selected polypeptides and the structural model of HA the epitope has been located to the region near the receptor binding site (RBS). Such localization of the epitope recognized by mAb6-9-1 is in concordance with its moderate hemagglutination inhibition activity and its antigenic specificity. Additionally, total RNA from hybridoma cells secreting mAb6-9-1 was used for obtaining two variants of cDNA encoding recombinant single-chain variable fragment (scFv) antibody. To ensure high production level and solubility in bacterial expression system, the scFv fragments were produced as chimeric proteins in fusion with thioredoxin or displayed on a phage surface after cloning into the phagemid vector. Specificity and affinity of the recombinant soluble and phage-bound scFv were assayed by suitable variants of ELISA test. The observed slight differences in specificity are discussed.



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