Electronegativity and intrinsic disorder of preeclampsia-related proteins

  • Carlos Polanco Faculty of Sciences Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico
  • Jorge Alberto Castañón-González
  • Vladimir N. Uversky
  • Thomas Buhse
  • José Lino Samaniego Mendoza
  • Juan J. Calva
Keywords: preeclampsia, intrinsically disordered proteins, structural proteomics, bioinformatics, antimicrobial peptides, polarity index method, lipoproteins, angiogenesis proteins


Preeclampsia, hemorrhage, and infection are the leading causes of maternal death in underdeveloped countries. Since several proteins associated with preeclampsia are known, we conducted a computational study in which evaluated the commonness and potential functionality of intrinsic disorder in these proteins and also made an attempt to characterize their origin. To this end, we used a several supervised techniques, as a Polarity Index Method (PIM), which evaluates the electronegativity of proteins from their sequence alone. Peculiarities of resulting polar profile of the group of preeclampsia-related proteins were then compared with profiles of a group of lipoproteins, antimicrobial peptides, angiogenesis-related proteins, and the intrinsically disorder proteins. Our results showed a high graphical correlation between preeclampsia proteins, lipoproteins, and the angiogenesis proteins. These results lead us to strongly assume that the preeclampsia proteins are lipoproteins. We also show that several preeclampsia-related proteins contain significant amounts of functional disorder.

Author Biography

Carlos Polanco, Faculty of Sciences Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico

Fellow researcher

Department of Mathematics

Faculty of Sciences


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