Searching for anti-glioma activity. Ribonucleoside analogues with modifications in nucleobase and sugar moieties.

  • Grzegorz Framski
  • Dariusz Wawrzyniak
  • Zofia Jahnz-Wechmann
  • Agnieszka Szymanska-Michalak
  • Adam Kraszewski
  • Jan Barciszewski
  • Jerzy Boryski
  • Jacek Stawinski Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry Polish Academy Of Science, Poznan, Poland
Keywords: Ribonucleoside analogues, anti-glioblastoma activity, anticancer ribonucleotides


Several ribonucleoside analogues with modifications in the nucleobase and sugar moiety have been screened for anti-glioma activity in T98G glioma cell line using cervical (HeLa) as a reference human malignant cell, and lung fibroblast (MCR-5) as a non-cancerous reference cells. Among the investigated compounds, ribonucleosides containing 6-chloropurine (3), 7-guanine (5) and a pyrrolopyrimidine (18) as nucleobases, show promising anti-glioma activity with good selectivity indices, and can be considered as lead structures for further anti-cancer studies.


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