A regulatory function of long non-coding RNAs in red blood cell development

  • Klaudia Kulczyńska
  • Miroslawa Siatecka Adam Mickiewicz University Institute of Experimental Biology Department of Genetics
Keywords: long non-coding RNA, erythropoiesis, red blood cells,


During recent years it has been discovered that long non-coding RNAs are important regulators in many biological processes. In this review, we summarize the role of lncRNA in erythropoiesis. LncRNA are crucial for regulation of gene expression during both proliferation and differentiation stages of red blood cell development. Many are regulated by erythroidspecific transcription factors and some are expressed in a developmental stage-specific manner. The majority of individually studied lncRNAs are involved in regulating the terminal maturation stages of red cell differentiation. Their regulatory function is accomplished by various mechanisms, including direct regulation in cis or trans by the lncRNA product or by the cis-localized presence of the lncRNA transcription itself. These add additional levels of regulation of gene expression during erythropoiesis.


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