Regulatory RNAs in Planarians

  • Kamila Pawlicka Intstitute of Bioorganic Chemistry, Polish Academy of Sciences
  • Patrick McDevitt Perrigue Intstitute of Bioorganic Chemistry, Polish Academy of Sciences
  • Jan Barciszewski Intstitute of Bioorganic Chemistry, Polish Academy of Sciences
Keywords: planarians, RNAi, miRNA, regeneration, stem cells


The full scope of regulatory RNA evolution and function in epigenetic processes is still not well understood. The development of planarian flatworms to be used as a simple model organism for research has shown great potential to address gaps in knowledge in this field of study. The genomes of planarians encode a wide array of regulatory RNAs that function in gene regulation. Here we review planarians as a suitable model organism for the identification and function of regulatory RNAs.


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