Tetraspanin CD151 mediates communication between prostate cancer cells and osteoblasts

  • Alicja Grudowska Department of Molecular Enzymology, Intercollegiate Faculty of Biotechnology, University of Gdansk and Medical University of Gdansk
  • Dominika Czaplińska Department of Cell Biology, Intercollegiate Faculty of Biotechnology, University of Gdansk and Medical University of Gdansk
  • Wojciech Połom Department of Urology, Medical University of Gdansk
  • Marcin Matuszewski Department of Urology, Medical University of Gdansk
  • Rafał Sądej Department of Molecular Enzymology, Medical University of Gdansk
  • Andrzej C Skladanowski Department of Molecular Enzymology, Medical University of Gdansk
Keywords: CD151, prostate cancer, osteoblasts


Invasion and migration of cancer cells are crucial for the formation of secondary lesions. These require activation of signalling cascades modulated by number of regulatory molecules. One such molecule is CD151, a member of evolutionary conserved tetraspanin family. CD151 is involved in cell adhesion, motility and cancer progression due to formation of complexes with laminin-binding integrins and regulation of growth factor receptors function (e.g. HGFR, TGFβR, EGFR). Recent studies point to correlation between CD151 expression and high tumour grade in prostate cancer (PCa). Herein, we investigated a possible role of CD151 in communication between cancer cells and either cancer-associated fibroblasts (CAFs) or osteoblasts, an interplay which is significant for metastasis. The analysis showed that although CAFs strongly enhanced both migration and invasion of PC3 prostate cancer cells, the effect was not dependent on CD151. On the other hand, CD151 was found to promote 3D migration as well as invasive growth in response to osteoblasts-secreted growth factors. Obtained data revealed that knockdown of CD151 abolished activation of pro-migratory/pro-survival kinases (i.e FAK, Src, HSP27) triggered by osteoblasts, along with expression of matrix metalloproteinase-13. These suggest that CD151 participate in communication between PCa cells and bone microenvironment and the process can be considered as a significant step of PCa progression and metastasis.


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