Modification of the deoxyribose test to detect strong iron binding

  • Izabela A. Sadowska-Bartosz University of Rzeszów, Department of Biochemistry and Cell Biology
  • Sabina Galiniak University of Rzeszow
  • Grzegorz Bartosz University of Łódź
Keywords: chelation, deoxyribose test, desferrioxamine, DETAPA, EDTA, Fenton reaction, hydrogen peroxide, hydroxyl radical, iron, superoxide


Deoxyribose test has been widely used for determination of reactivities of various compounds for the hydroxyl radical. The test is based on the formation of hydroxyl radical by Fe2+ complex in the Fenton reaction. We propose a modification of the deoxyribose test to detect strong iron binding, inhibiting participation of Fe2+ in the Fenton reaction, on the basis of examination of concentration dependence of deoxyribose damage on Fe2+concentration, at a constant concentration of a chelating agent.


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