Expression of GPD1 and SIP18 genes during rehydration in active dry industrial Saccharomyces cerevisiae cider-making yeast strains (ADY)

  • Anna Goncerzewicz prof. Wacław Dąbrowski Institute of Agricultural and Food Biotechnology, Department of Microbiology, Culture Collection of Industrial Microorganisms, Rakowiecka 36, 02-532 Warsaw, Poland
  • Karolina Kamińska-Wojteczek
  • Izabella Młynarczyk
  • Anna Misiewicz


In this study we determined the influence of different sugar concentration in media, time of rehydration and type of strain on relative expression level of GPD1 and SIP18 genes of active dry cider-making yeast strains, followed by the assessment of the impact of rehydration on the fermentation process. High expression of SIP18 at the beginning of rehydration was shown to be due to high transcription of the gene during the drying process. High sugar concentrations of media initiated transcription of the GPD1 gene and triggered the cellular glycerol biosynthesis pathway in examined strains. Rehydration time and type of strain showed to have no statistically significant impact on the course of the fermentation; RT qPCR results depended mainly on the time of rehydration and sugar concentration of the medium. This is the first attempt to confront rehydration time and molecular mechanisms acting upon rehydration with the course of the fermentation process.


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