Changes in pancreas caused by different types of hypertension

  • Paulina Nowińska Department of Histology and Cytophysiology Medical Univeristy of Białystok
  • Irena Kasacka Department of Histology and Cytophysiology Medical Univeristy of Białystok
Keywords: pancreas, hypertnesion


Hypertension is considered a lifestyle disease. Unfavourable forecasts predict a significant increase in the number of patients suffering from this disorder. As a result of ischemia many changes in various organs have been observed. An interesting question arises of whether differences between the mechanisms occurring in different types of hypertension could produce different effects in organs. It is well known that there is a close relationship between hypertension and insulin resistance. On the other hand, insulin resistance is the main cause of type 2 diabetes, which develops parallelly with changes in the pancreas. The pancreas is a very important organ since it produces enzymes crucial for the digestive process as well as performs an important endocrine function. The present work focuses primarily on the second issue. The authors present an overview of contemporary literature concerning the influence of different types of hypertension on the function of the pancreas.


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