Surface Structure Changes of Pathological Placenta Tissue Observed Through Scanning Electron Microscopy - a Pilot Study

  • Rafał Bobiński
  • Anna Pielesz
  • Wioletta Waksmańska Faculty of Health Sciences, Department of Nursing and Emergency Medicine, University of Bielsko-Biala, 43-309 Bielsko-Biała, ul. Willowa 2
  • Ewa Sarna
  • Izabela Ulman-Włodarz
  • Justyna Kania
  • Monika Mikulska
  • Agnieszka Turbiarz
Keywords: Hypertension, Pathological pregnancy, Placenta


Structural changes within the placenta are observed in the course of pathological pregnancy. The aim of the study was to perform initial assessment of morphological features of placenta. The analysis was conducted by means of Scanning Electron Microscopy. Samples of placenta of women who delivered appropriate for gestational age neonates were characterized by a homogenous surface texture with natural corrugation. The surface of IUGR placenta from the group of mothers with pregnancy induced hypertension was definitely heterogeneous - noticeable swelling of tissue surface was observed. Samples from LGA group also demonstrated a number of surface bulges and heterogeneities, which were, nonetheless, characterized by a certain repeatability.




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