The calcium binding properties and structure prediction of the Hax-1 protein

  • Anna Balcerak
  • Sebastian Rowinski
  • Lukasz M Szafron
  • Ewa Anna Grzybowska Cancer Center Institute


Hax-1 is involved in regulating apoptosis, calcium homeostasis and cell migration but the exact mechanisms of its action, as well as its physical properties, chemical activities and structural features still remain undiscovered. Hax-1 lacks homology to any other known protein domains or motifs, except for a very slight similarity to the EF-hand domain. Herein, purified Hax-1 was used for preliminary analysis of its calcium-binding properties, along with a structure prediction analysis, which confirmed the possibility of Ca2+ binding in the C-terminal part of the protein.

Author Biography

Ewa Anna Grzybowska, Cancer Center Institute
Molecular and Translational Biology Dept.,


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