Obesity, lipid profiles and oxidative stress in children after liver transplantation

  • Piotr Czubkowski Department of Gastroenterology, Hepatology, Feeding Disorders and Pediatrics, The Children’s Memorial Health Institute, Warsaw, Poland
  • Aldona Wierzbicka-Rucińska Department of Biochemistry, Radioimmunology and Experimental Medicine, The Children’s Memorial Health Institute, Warsaw, Poland
  • Joanna Pawłowska Department of Gastroenterology, Hepatology, Feeding Disorders and Pediatrics, The Children’s Memorial Health Institute, Warsaw, Poland
  • Irena Jankowska Department of Gastroenterology, Hepatology, Feeding Disorders and Pediatrics, The Children’s Memorial Health Institute, Warsaw, Poland
  • Piotr Socha Department of Gastroenterology, Hepatology, Feeding Disorders and Pediatrics, The Children’s Memorial Health Institute, Warsaw, Poland
Keywords: reactive oxygen species, atherosclerosis, liver transplantation, immunosupression


PURPOSE: Liver transplant recipients are potentially at higher risk cardiovascular complications mostly due to immunosuppressive treatment. The aim of the study was to assess lipid profiles and oxidative stress markers after pediatric liver transplantation in long-term stable recipients.

METHOD: In 74 children at least 3 years after LTx with normal graft function, we assessed lipid parameters, insulin resistance, markers of oxidative stress and atherosclerosis: glutathione (GSH), glutathione peroxidase (GPx), asymmetrical dimethyl arginine (ADMA) and oxidized low-density lipoprotein (oxyLDL). All patients were assessed after 3-year follow-up. Baseline results were compared with healthy age-matched control group.

RESULTS: Transplant recipients presented with normal lipid profiles but there were differences in ADMA 0,84 ± 0,31 vs. 0,29 ± 0,17 mol/l , p<0.001, GSH 689.5 ± 66.2 vs 782.4 ± 17.2 mol/ml p<0.001, GPx 30,4 ± 3,0 vs 32,6 ± 1,6 U/gHb p<0.001 and oxyLDL 316.4 ± 118.3 vs 124.6 ± 20.4 mU/ml, p<0,0001. Insulin resistance by HOMA-IR was increased in study group. After 3,1 ± 0,3 years follow-up we found significant decrease of oxidative stress markers in the study group.

CONCLUSION: Children after LTx present with normal lipid profiles but are at higher risk of oxidative stress.  



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