Molecular Recognition of Glyconanoparticles by RCA and E. coli K88; Designing Transports for Targeted Therapy

  • Amed Gallegos-Tabanico
  • Jose A Sarabia-Sainz
  • H Manuel Sarabia-Sainz
  • Roberto Carrillo Torres
  • Ana M Guzman-Partida
  • Gabriela Ramos-Clamont Monfort
  • Erika Silva-Campa
  • Alexel J Burgara-Estrella
  • Aracely Angulo-Molina
  • Mónica Acosta-Elias
  • Martín Pedroza-Montero
  • Luz Vazquez-Moreno


The targeted drug delivery has been studied as one of the main methods in medicine to ensure successful treatments of diseases. The pharmaceutical sciences are using micro or nano carriers to obtain a controlled delivery of drugs, able to interact selectively with pathogens, cells or tissues. In this work, we modified bovine serum albumin (BSA) with lactose, obtaining a neoglycan (BSA-Lac). Subsequently, we synthesized glyconanoparticles (NP-Lac) with the premise that it would be recognized by microbial galactose specific lectins. NP-Lac were tested for bio-recognition with adhesins of E. coli K88 and Ricinus communis agglutinin I (RCA). The glycation of BSA with lactose was analyzed by electrophoresis, infrared spectroscopy and fluorescence. Approximately 41 lactoses per BSA molecule were estimated. Nanoparticles were obtained using water in oil emulsion method found the characteristics spheroid morphology and with an average size of 300-500 nm. Specific recognition of NP-Lac by RCA and E. coli K88 was displayed by aggregation of nanoparticles analyzed by dynamic light scattering. The results indicate that the lactosylated nanovectors could be aimed to the E. coli K88 adhesin and potentially could be used as a transporter and antibacterial drug.  

Author Biography

Jose A Sarabia-Sainz
Departamento de Investigación en Física


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