Analysis of uropathogenic Escherichia coli biofilm formation under different growth conditions.

  • Wioletta Adamus-Białek Department of Environment Protection and Modelling, Jan Kochanowski University, Kielce, Poland.;
  • Anna Kubiak Institute of Medical Biology, Polish Academy of Science, Łódź, Poland.;
  • Grzegorz Czerwonka Department of Microbiology, Institute of Biology, Jan Kochanowski University, Kielce, Poland.;


The ability to form different types of biofilm enables bacteria to survive in a harsh or toxic environment. Different structures of biofilms are related to different surfaces and environment of bacterial growth. The aim of this study was analysis of the biofilm formation of 115 clinical uropathogenic Escherichia coli strains under different growth conditions: surface for biofilm formation, medium composition and time of incubation. The biofilm formation after 24 h, 48 h, 72 h and 96 h was determined spectrophotometrically (A531) after crystal violet staining and it was correlated with bacterial growth (A600). The live and dead cells in biofilm structures was also observed on the glass surface by an epi-fluorescence microscope. Additionally, the presence of rpoS, sdiA and rscA genes was analyzed. The statistical significance was estimated by paired T-test. The observed biofilms were different for each particular strain. The biofilm formation was the highest in the rich medium (LB) after 24 h and its level hasn't changed in time. When biofilm level was compared to bacterial growth (relative biofilm) - it was higher in a minimal medium in comparison to enriched medium. These results suggest that most of the bacterial cells prefer to live in a biofilm community under the difficult environmental conditions. Moreover, biofilm formation on polyurethane surface did not correlate with biofilm formation on glass. It suggests that mechanisms of biofilm formation can be correlated with other bacterial properties. This phenomenon may explain different types of biofilm formation among one species and even one pathotype - uropathogenic Escherichia coli.