Global quantification of heterochromatin-associated histone methylations in cell lines with differential sensitivity to ionizing radiation.

  • Merve Cetinkaya Department of Basic Oncology, Oncology Institute, Istanbul University, Istanbul, Turkey.;
  • Emre Özgür Department of Basic Oncology, Oncology Institute, Istanbul University, Istanbul, Turkey.;
  • Nejat Dalay Department of Basic Oncology, Oncology Institute, Istanbul University, Istanbul, Turkey.;
  • Ugur Gezer Department of Basic Oncology, Oncology Institute, Istanbul University, Istanbul, Turkey.;


Histone modifications are involved in the DNA damage response (DDR). Here, by utilizing an ELISA immunoassay we assessed the methylation at H3K9 (H3K9me2 and H3K9me3) in two cell lines with differential sensitivity to radiation-induced apoptosis, HeLa (sensitive) and MCF-7 (resistant). We found that DNA damage induction by γ-irradiation leads to considerable accumulation (up to 5-fold) of H3K9me2 and H3K9me3, but not of H4K20me3 (control modification) in MCF-7 cells (p<0.05). Interestingly, a lower dose (2 Gy) was more effective than 5 Gy. In HeLa cells a smaller effect (approx. 1.5-1.8-fold) was evident only at 5 Gy. In conclusion, our findings reveal that DNA damage leads to specific accumulation of H3K9me2 and H3K9me3 in a cell-type specific manner.