A severe recessive and a mild dominant form of Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease associated with a newly identified Glu222Lys GDAP1 gene mutation.

  • Dagmara Kabzińska Neuromuscular Unit, Mossakowski Medical Research Centre, Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw, Poland.;
  • Katarzyna Kotruchow Neuromuscular Unit, Mossakowski Medical Research Centre, Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw, Poland.;
  • Joanna Cegielska Neuromuscular Unit, Mossakowski Medical Research Centre, Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw, Poland and IInd Department of Neurology, Warsaw Medical University, Poland.;
  • Irena Hausmanowa-Petrusewicz Neuromuscular Unit, Mossakowski Medical Research Centre, Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw, Poland.;
  • Andrzej Kochański Neuromuscular Unit, Mossakowski Medical Research Centre, Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw, Poland.;


Charcot-Marie-Tooth (CMT) disease caused by mutations in the GDAP1 gene has been shown to be inherited via traits that may be either autosomal recessive (in the majority of cases) [CMT4A] or autosomal dominant [CMT2K]. CMT4A disease is characterized by an early onset, and a severe clinical course often leading to a loss of ambulation, whereas CMT2K is characterized by a mild clinical course of benign axonal neuropathy beginning even in the 6th decade of life. Clinical data from a GDAP1 mutated patient suggests that the presence of a particular mutation is associated with a certain trait of inheritance. The association of a particular GDAP1 gene mutation and a dominant or recessive trait of inheritance is of special importance for genetic counseling and the prenatal diagnostics as regards severe forms of CMT. In the present study we report on two CMT families in which a newly identified Glu222Lys mutation within the GDAP1 gene segregates both in autosomal dominant and recessive traits. Our study shows that at least some GDAP1 gene mutations may segregate with the CMT phenotype as both dominant and recessive traits. Thus, genetic counseling for CMT4A/CMT2K families requires more extensive data on GDAP1 phenotype-genotype correlations.