Introduction to molecular biology of influenza a viruses.

  • Bogusław Szewczyk Department of Recombinant Vaccines, Intercollegiate Faculty of Biotechnology, University of Gdansk and Medical University of Gdansk, Gdańsk, Poland.;
  • Krystyna Bieńkowska-Szewczyk Department of Virus Molecular Biology, Intercollegiate Faculty of Biotechnology, University of Gdansk and Medical University of Gdansk, Gdańsk, Poland.;
  • Ewelina Król Department of Recombinant Vaccines, Intercollegiate Faculty of Biotechnology, University of Gdansk and Medical University of Gdansk, Gdańsk, Poland.;


This minireview presents an overview of current knowledge on virion structure, genome organization and basic events in the development of influenza A virus. The processes of entry, transcription/replication and viral release are described. In this context, the roles of viral proteins (including recently discovered minor polypeptides) in the subsequent stages of viral development are also discussed.