Activation of MAP kinase pathways in Galleria mellonella infected with Bacillus thuringiensis.

  • Iwona Wojda Department of Immunobiology, Institute of Biology and Biochemistry, Faculty of Biology and Biotechnology, Lublin, Poland.;
  • Konrad Koperwas Department of Immunobiology, Institute of Biology and Biochemistry, Faculty of Biology and Biotechnology, Lublin, Poland.;
  • Teresa Jakubowicz Department of Immunobiology, Institute of Biology and Biochemistry, Faculty of Biology and Biotechnology, Lublin, Poland.;


We followed changes in the level of phospho-MAP kinases in the greater wax moth Galleria mellonella after infection with Bacillus thuringiensis. We observed an enhanced level of phosphorylated p38 and JNK in fat bodies of the infected larvae. In hemocytes, injection of B. thuringiensis caused the highest increase in phospho-JNK, however, all pathways were activated after aseptic injection. We report that Galleria mellonella larvae exposed to heat shock before infection showed an enhanced level of phosphorylated JNK in fat body. This finding is relevant in the light of our previous reports, which submit evidence that pre-shocked animals are more resistant to infection.