Cytoprotective effect of methanolic extract of Nardostachys jatamansi against hydrogen peroxide induced oxidative damage in C6 glioma cells.

  • Kshitija Dhuna Department of Molecular Biology and Biochemistry, Guru Nanak Dev University, Amritsar- Punjab, India.;
  • Vikram Dhuna
  • Gaurav Bhatia
  • Jatinder Singh
  • Sukhdev Singh Kamboj


Oxidative stress has been implicated as an important factor in the process of neurodegeneration and hydrogen peroxide (H₂O₂) is one of the most important precursors of reactive oxygen species (ROS), responsible for many neurodegenerative diseases. This study used extracts from Nardostachys jatamansi rhizomes, known for nerve relaxing properties in Ayurvedic medicine, to ascertain their protective role in H₂O₂-induced oxidative stress in C6 glioma cells. The protective effect of methanolic, ethanolic and water extracts of N. jatamansi (NJ-MEx, NJ-EEx and NJ-WEx respectively) was determined by MTT assay. NJ-MEx significantly protected against H₂O₂ cytotoxicity when cells were pretreated for 24 h. The level of antioxidant enzymes, catalase, superoxide dismutase (Cu-ZnSOD), glutathione peroxidase (GPx), and a direct scavenger of free radicals, glutathione (GSH), significantly increased following pre-treatment with NJ-MEx. Lipid peroxidation (LPx) significantly decreased in NJ-MEx-pretreated cultures. The expression of a C6 differentiation marker, GFAP (glial fibrillary acidic protein), stress markers HSP70 (heat shock protein) and mortalin (also called glucose regulated protein 75, Grp75) significantly decreased when cells were pre-treated with NJ-MEx before being subjected to H₂O₂ treatment as shown by immunofluorescence, western blotting and RT-PCR results. The present study suggests that NJ-MEx could serve as a potential treatment and/or preventive measure against neurodegenerative diseases.