Isolation of low-molecular albumins of 2S fraction from soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merrill).

  • Mariola Galbas Department of Biochemistry and Biotechnology, Faculty of Agronomy and Bioengineering, University of Life Sciences, Poznań, Poland.;
  • Filip Porzucek
  • Anna Woźniak
  • Ryszard Słomski
  • Marek Selwet


Numerous studies have shown that consumption of soybean products decrease the risk of cancers in humans. Experiments at the molecular level have demonstrated that in most cases proteins and peptides are responsible for the anticancer properties of soybeen. Special attention should be paid to lunasin - a peptide described for the first time 16 years ago. Due to its structure it causes i.a., inhibition of cancer cell proliferation. A novel procedure for the isolation and purification of low-molecular-mass 2S soybean albumin protein is described in the present paper. A fraction of four peptides one of them corresponding to molecular mass and isoelectric point characteristic for lunasin. The obtained peptides decreased on the rate of HeLa cell proliferation.