Permeation of iodide from iodine-enriched yeast through porcine intestine.

  • Florian Ryszka Pharmaceutical Research and Production Plant "Biochefa", Sosnowiec, Poland.;
  • Barbara Dolińska Pharmaceutical Research and Production Plant "Biochefa", Sosnowiec, Poland and Department of Applied Pharmacy and Drug Technology, Medical University of Silesia, Sosnowiec, Poland.;
  • Michał Zieliński Pharmaceutical Research and Production Plant "Biochefa", Sosnowiec, Poland.;
  • Dagmara Chyra Pharmaceutical Research and Production Plant "Biochefa", Sosnowiec, Poland.;
  • Zbigniew Dobrzański Department of Animal Hygiene and Animal Welfare, Wrocław University of Environmental and Life Sciences, Wrocław, Poland.;


Iodine deficiency is a common phenomenon, threatening the whole global human population. Recommended daily intake of iodine is 150 μg for adults and 250 μg for pregnant and breastfeeding women. About 50% of human population can be at risk of moderate iodine deficiency. Due to this fact, increased iodine supplementation is recommended, through intake of iodized mineral water and salt iodization. The aim of this study was to investigate permeation and absorption of iodide from iodine bioplex (experimental group) in comparison with potassium iodide (controls). Permeation and absorption processes were investigated in vitro using a porcine intestine. The experimental model was based on a standard Franz diffusion cell (FD-Cell). The iodine bioplex was produced using Saccharomyces cerevisiae yeast and whey powder: iodine content - 388 μg/g, total protein - 28.5%, total fat - 0.9%., glutamic acid - 41.2%, asparaginic acid - 29.4%, lysine - 24.8%; purchased from: F.Z.N.P. Biochefa, Sosnowiec, Poland. Potassium iodide was used as controls, at 388 μg iodine concentration, which was the same as in iodine-enriched yeast bioplex. A statistically significant increase in iodide permeation was observed for iodine-enriched yeast bioplex in comparison with controls - potassium iodide. After 5h the total amount of permeated iodide from iodine-enriched yeast bioplex was 85%, which is ~ 2-fold higher than controls - 37%. Iodide absorption was by contrast statistically significantly higher in controls - 7.3%, in comparison with 4.5% in experimental group with iodine-enriched yeast bioplex. Presented results show that iodide permeation process dominates over absorption in case of iodine-enriched yeast bioplex.