Screening of environmental samples for bacteria producing 1,3-propanediol from glycerol.

  • Sławomir Dąbrowski A&A Biotechnology, Gdynia, Poland.;
  • Ewa Zabłotna
  • Dorota Pietrewicz-Kubicz
  • Anna Długołęcka


Twenty nine environmental samples were screened for the presence of anaerobic microorganisms fermenting glycerol with 1,3-propanediol as a final product. Seven samples were then selected for the next step of our research and eight bacteria strains were cultured anaerobically. Seven of them produced 1,3-propanediol with a yield of 0.47-0.58. Six of the the isolated microorganisms were then classified as Clostridium butyricum (four strains), C. lituseburense (one strain), and C. sartagoforme (one strain). We suggest that of all these strains C. butyricum 2CR371.5 is the best 1,3-propanediol producer as producing no lactate as a by-product and growing well on a glycerol-containing medium.