Femtosecond stimulated Raman spectroscopy of the dark S1 excited state of carotenoid in photosynthetic light harvesting complex.

  • Masayuki Yoshizawa Department of Physics, Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan. m-yoshizawa@m.tohoku.ac.jp;
  • Ryosuke Nakamura
  • Orihiro Yoshimatsu
  • Kenta Abe
  • Shunsuke Sakai
  • Katsunori Nakagawa
  • Ritsuko Fujii
  • Mamoru Nango
  • Hideki Hashimoto


Vibrational dynamics of the excited state in the light-harvesting complex (LH1) have been investigated by femtosecond stimulated Raman spectroscopy (FSRS). The native and reconstituted LH1 complexes have same dynamics. The ν(1) (C=C stretching) vibrational mode of spirilloxanthin in LH1 shows ultrafast high-frequency shift in the S(1) excited state with a time constant of 0.3 ps. It is assigned to the vibrational relaxation of the S(1) state following the internal conversion from the photoexcited S(2) state.