Indirect inactivation of tyrosinase in its action on tyrosine.

  • Jose Luis Muñoz-Muñoz GENZ: Grupo de Investigación Enzimología, Departamento de Bioquímica y Biología Molecular-A, Universidad de Murcia, Espinardo, Murcia, Spain.;
  • Francisco Garcia-Molina
  • Jose Ramon Acosta-Motos
  • Enrique Arribas
  • Pedro Antonio Garcia-Ruíz
  • Jose Tudela
  • Francisco Garcia-Cánovas
  • Jose Neptuno Rodríguez-López


Under aerobic conditions, tyrosinase is inactivated by dopa as a result of suicide inactivation, and, under anaerobic conditions, as a result of irreversible inactivation. However, tyrosine protects the enzyme from being inactivated by dopa under anaerobic conditions. This paper describes how under aerobic conditions the enzyme acting on tyrosine is not directly inactivated but undergoes a process of indirect suicide inactivation provoked by reaction with the o-diphenol originated from the evolution of o-dopaquinone and accumulated in the reaction medium.