Sequence analysis of human cytomegalovirus US28 gene in low-passage clinical isolates from children and AIDS patients.

  • Rong He Clinical Genetics Department, The Affiliated Shengjing Hospital, China Medical University, Shenyang, Liaoning of PR China.;
  • Chang Xia
  • Qiang Ruan
  • Ying Qi
  • Yan-Ping Ma
  • Yao-Hua Ji
  • Jin-Jin Guo


Human cytomegalovirus (HCMV) is often a dangerous opportunistic pathogen that causes significant morbidity and mortality in newborn children and immunocompromised patients. The different symptoms and tissue tropisms of HCMV infection may result from genetic polymorphism. This study investigated the sequence variability of the HCMV US28 ORF, which shows sequence homology to the G protein-coupled receptor. HCMV isolated from suspected pediatric cases and isolates from AIDS patients were compared in order to examine the possible associations between polymorphisms and pathogenesis. Seventy children with suspected congenital HCMV infection, who suffered from jaundice (47), megacolon (10), and microcephaly (13), and 17 AIDS patients, were studied. Mutation was prevalent among the sequences of US28, with a focus on the two ends of US28. The important functional groups of US28 are highly conserved. An unrooted tree showed that all sequences from suspected congenitally infected infants and AIDS patients were divided into three groups. Comparison showed that most of the sequences (12/17) from pediatric patients were included in the first group (G1), whereas most of the sequences (11/17) from AIDS patients were included in the third group (G3). The specific high mutation sites in US28 from children were located at the C terminus of the protein, whereas those from AIDS patients were located at the N terminus. We demonstrated the existence of polymorphisms among the US28 genes of clinical isolates of HCMV from infants with suspected congenital infection. Comparison of US28 sequences from AIDS patients with those from children showed that both sequences have their own specific high mutation points.