Association between estrogen receptor alpha gene polymorphisms and bone mineral density in Polish female patients with Graves' disease.

  • Magdalena Ignaszak-Szczepaniak Center of Metabolic Bone Diseases and Department of Family Medicine, Poznan University of Medical Sciences, Poznań, Poland.;
  • Wanda Horst-Sikorska
  • Joanna Dytfeld
  • Ewelina Gowin
  • Ryszard Słomski
  • Marek Stajgis


Graves' (GD) hyperthyroidism leads to reduced bone mineral density (BMD) accompanied by accelerated bone turnover. Ample studies have identified association between estrogen receptor (ESR1) gene polymorphism and decreased BMD and osteoporosis. In contrast, number of publications that link ESR1, BMD and Graves' disease is limited. The purpose of this study was to identify the association between ESR1 polymorphisms and BMD in premenopausal women with GD and to determine whether ESR1 polymorphic variants can predispose to GD. The study included 75 women aged 23-46 years with GD and 163 healthy controls. BMD was measured at lumbar spine and femoral neck. We investigated two SNPs in the ESR1 gene and analyzed genetic variants in the form of haplotypes reconstructed by statistical method. Three out of four possible haplotypes of the PvuII and XbaI restriction fragment length polymorphisms were found in GD patients: px (55.3 %), PX (33.3 %) and Px (11.4 %). Women homozygous for xx of XbaI and for pp of PvuII had the lowest BMD at lumbar spine. Moreover, the px haplotype predisposed to reduced lumbar BMD. No associations were observed for femoral neck BMD. No statistically significant relationship were found between ESR1 polymorphisms or their haplotypes and GD. These results indicate that the PvuII and the XbaI polymorphisms of ESR1 gene are associated with bone mineral density in premenopausal women with GD and may help to estimate the risk of bone loss particularly at lumbar spine. However, none of the ESR1 gene alleles predict the risk of GD in Polish female patients.