Physicochemical properties and cytotoxicity of hydrogels based on Beetosan® containing sage and bee pollen

  • Bożena Tyliszczak Cracow University of Technology
  • Anna Drabczyk Cracow University of Technology
  • Sonia Kudłacik-Kramarczyk Cracow University of Technology
  • Beata Grabowska AGH University of Science and Technology in Kraków
  • Magdalena Kędzierska Medical University of Lodz
Keywords: hydrogels, cytotoxicity, fibroblasts, chitosan, sage, wettability


Currently, more and more attention is being paid to issues related to the environmental  protection, waste management as well as to the development of polymers with useful properties. Therefore, present research involved preparation of hydrogels the main component of which was Beetosan® - chitosan derived from the multi-stage processing of died bees. Moreover, hydrogels were additionally modified with natural substances. Based on the research it can be stated that such combination of Beetosan® hydrogel matrix and mentioned additives resulted in a preparation of polymers characterized by negative impact on cancer cells. Finally, it can be concluded that the use of natural-derived reagents and synthesis of polymers using these reagents (as a result of environmentally friendly photopolymerization) lead to the receipt of the materials with unusual properties, with particular emphasis on antitumor activity.

Author Biographies

Bożena Tyliszczak, Cracow University of Technology
Department of Chemistry and Technology of Polymers
Anna Drabczyk, Cracow University of Technology
Institute of Inorganic Chemistry and Technology
Sonia Kudłacik-Kramarczyk, Cracow University of Technology
Institute of Inorganic Chemistry and Technology
Beata Grabowska, AGH University of Science and Technology in Kraków

Faculty of Foundry Engineering


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