The mutual cooperation of blood platelets and lymphocytes in the development of autoimmune thyroid diseases

  • Małgorzata Tomczyńska Department of General Biochemistry, Faculty of Biology and Environmental Protection, University of Lodz, Pomorska 141/143, 90-236 Lodz, Poland
  • Joanna Saluk-Bijak Department of General Biochemistry, Faculty of Biology and Environmental Protection, University of Lodz, Pomorska 141/143, 90-236 Lodz, Poland
Keywords: Autoimmune thyroid diseases, autoantibodies, blood platelets, chronic inflammatory, lymphocytes


Autoimmune thyroid diseases include several distinct clinical entities and mainly concern Graves` disease and Hashimoto's thyroiditis. An incompetent immune response directed against the body’s own tissues and the production of antibodies against specific cell antigens, accompanied by chronic inflammation occur in autoimmune thyroid diseases. The autoimmune process is induced by difficult to identify genetic and environmental factors, and generates the development of concomitant diseases of other systems. The inflammatory mediators, high level of thyroid hormones, lymphocyte activation and other immune cells play an important role in the chronic course of these diseases.  Autoimmune thyroid diseases are caused by disruptions of T-cells and other cells functions. The autoantibodies react with target antigens in different kinds of cells, including blood platelets. The autoimmune processes can cause the increased activity different kinds of cells including blood platelets and lymphocytes. The activity of blood platelets and lymphocytes is reciprocally regulated. It is suggested that blood platelets can influence lymphocyte function by direct contact through the receptors and via soluble mediators. The platelet–immune cell interactions represent a hallmark of immunity, as they can potently enhance immune cell functions.



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