Dendrimer-paclitaxel complexes for efficient treatment in ovarian cancer: study on OVCAR-3 and HEK293T cells

  • Jinqi Ma Department of Obstetrics, Wuxi People's Hospital
  • Hua Yao Department of Gynecology and Obstetrics, The second People’s Hospital of Nantong, Nantong, Jiangsu


The present investigation deal with enhancement the therapeutic effect of Paclitaxel (a potent anticancer drug) by increasing its cellular uptake in cancerous cell with subsequent reduction in its cytotoxic effects.To fulfill the aforesaid purpose the Paclitaxel (PTX)-Biotinylated PAMAM dendrimer complex were prepared using biotinylation method. The primary parameter of Biotinylated PAMAM with terminal HN2 group was evaluated such as degree of biotinylation using HABA assay. The basic integrity of complex was studied using DSC. The Drug loading (DL) and drug release (DR) study of Biotinylated PAMAM dendrimer-PTX complex was also examined. Cellular uptake study was performed in OVCAR-3 and HEK293T cells using fluorescence technique. The statistical analysis was also performed to support the experimental data.The results obtained from HABA assay showed the complete biotinylation of PAMAM dendrimer. DSC study confirmed the integrity of complex when compared with pure drug, biotinylated complex and Physical mixture of both. The batch 9 showed the highest DL (12.09 %) and DR (70 %) up to 72 h when compared by changing concentrations of drug and biotinylated complex. The OVCAR-3(cancerous) cells showed more cellular uptake than HEK293T (normal) cells. The statistical data also supports the experimental results obtained.The results obtained from both experimental and statistical evaluation confirms that the biotinylated PAMAM NH2 dendrimer-PTX complex helps not only in increasing cellular uptake but also increases the release up to 72h with reduction in cytotoxicity.

Author Biographies

Jinqi Ma, Department of Obstetrics, Wuxi People's Hospital
Department of Obstetrics
Hua Yao, Department of Gynecology and Obstetrics, The second People’s Hospital of Nantong, Nantong, Jiangsu
Department of Gynecology and Obstetrics



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