New method for the study of Amaryllidaceae alkaloid biosynthesis using biotransformation of deuterium-labeled precursor in tissue cultures.

  • Anna El Tahchy Groupe S.U.C.R.E.S., UMR 7565 CNRS-Nancy-Université, Nancy-Vandoeuvre, France.;
  • Michel Boisbrun
  • Agata Ptak
  • François Dupire
  • Françoise Chrétien
  • Max Henry
  • Yves Chapleur
  • Dominique Laurain-Mattar


Biotransformation of deuterated-4'-O-methylnorbelladine into alkaloids galanthamine and lycorine in tissue cultures of Leucojum aestivum was demonstrated using HPLC coupled to mass spectrometry. GC-MS screening was also carried to investigate other native and deuterated alkaloids. A total of six labeled alkaloids were identified indicating that 4'-O-methyl-d(3)-norbelladine is incorporated into three different groups of Amaryllidaceae alkaloids that are biosynthesized by three modes of intramolecular oxidative phenol coupling.