Effects of high sucrose diet, gemfibrozil, and their combination on plasma paraoxonase 1 activity and lipid levels in rats.

  • Marija Macan University of Zagreb, School of Medicine, Department of Pharmacology, Zagreb, Croatia.;
  • Nada Vrkić
  • Ana Lucić Vrdoljak
  • Božica Radić
  • Vlasta Bradamante


We investigated the influence of high sucrose diet (HSD) after 3 or 5 weeks of administration on paraoxonase 1 (PON1) activity in plasma of normolipidemic rats and the relationship between serum PON1 activity, triacylglycerides (TGs), HDL and total cholesterol vs. the control group of rats fed normal, control diet (CD). Because the data about the influence of gemfibrozil (GEM) on PON1 activity are controversial, we also investigated its effects (administration in the 4th and 5th week in rats on HSD and CD) on plasma PON1 activity and lipid levels in normolipidemic rats, and in rats with hypertriglyceridemia caused by HSD. Our results obtained in rats on HSD show a significant increase of plasma TGs levels by 47% (P<0.05) after 5 weeks of treatment, and PON1 activity by 32% and 23% (P<0.05) after 3 and 5 weeks, but without change in lipid levels vs. rats on CD. In the rats on CD and HSD, GEM caused a significant decrease of PON1 activity by 44% and 33%, while a significant decrease of TGs level by 38% (P<0.05) was measured only in rats on CD. The effects of GEM on total cholesterol, HDL and LDL in both groups of rats were typical for its action on lipoprotein metabolism. Because GEM in the rat liver stimulates proliferation of peroxisomes, β oxidation, and production of H₂O₂, it is possible that the oxidative stress induced by GEM damages hepatocytes and lowers the synthesis of PON1.