Evidence for RNA recombination between distinct isolates of Pepino mosaic virus.

  • Beata Hasiów-Jaroszewska Institute of Plant Protection, National Research Institute, Department of Virology and Bacteriology, Poznań, Poland. B.Hasiow@iorpib.poznan.pl;
  • Arnold Kuzniar
  • Sander A Peters
  • Jack A M Leunissen
  • Henryk Pospieszny


Genetic recombination plays an important role in the evolution of virus genomes. In this study we analyzed publicly available genomic sequences of Pepino mosaic virus (PepMV) for recombination events using several bioinformatics tools. The genome-wide analyses not only confirm the presence of previously found recombination events in PepMV but also provide the first evidence for double recombinant origin of the US2 isolate.