Normal levels of serum pancreatic enzymes in patients with progressive familial intrahepatic cholestasis type 2.

  • Jaroslaw Walkowiak Poznań University of Medical Sciences, Department of Pediatric Gastroenterology and Metabolism, Poland.;
  • Irena Jankowska
  • Aleksandra Lisowska
  • Maciej Biczysko
  • Aldona Wierzbicka
  • Joanna Pawłowska


High prevalence of elevated serum pancreatic enzymes in children with cholestasis with normal fecal elastase-1 concentrations has been documented. However, this state is related predominantly to biliary atresia. Therefore, we aimed to assess pancreatic damage by measuring serum pancreatic enzymes in patients with progressive familial intrahepatic cholestasis type 2 (PFIC type 2). Twenty PFIC type 2 patients with normal serum bilirubin and bile acid concentrations were included in the study. Thirty pancreatic insufficient cystic fibrosis (PI-CF) patients, thirty patients with acute pancreatitis (AP) and thirty healthy subjects (HS) served for the purpose of comparison. In all subjects, serum lipase and elastase-1 levels were measured. In all but one PFIC type 2 patients and all HS normal lipase activities were found. Serum elastase-1 concentrations were normal in all PFIC type 2 patients and HS. The enzyme levels were very similar in both groups studied. Lipase activities in PFIC type 2 patients were significantly higher than in PI-CF patients (p < 0.00001) and lower than in patients with AP (p < 0.00001). Serum elastase-1 levels in PFIC type 2 patients were significantly lower than in patients with AP (p < 0.00001) and not different from those in PI-CF patients. In conclusion. serum pancreatic enzymes in patients with PFIC type 2 are normal. No pancreatic damage in these patients could be detected.