TGF-beta(1), IL-10 and IL-4 in colostrum of allergic and nonallergic mothers.

  • Andrzej Marek Department of Pediatrics, Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition, Medical University of Gdansk, Nowe Ogrody 1-6, Gdańsk, Poland.;
  • Maciej Zagierski
  • Anna Liberek
  • Ewa Aleksandrowicz
  • Michał Korzon
  • Grzegorz Krzykowski
  • Barbara Kamińska
  • Agnieszka Szlagatys-Sidorkiewicz


To determine transforming growth factor (TGF) beta(1), interleukin (IL) 4, and IL-10 concentrations in human milk and to assess the relationship between allergic disorders in mothers and the content of the interleukins in their milk. Thirty allergic and 46 healthy mothers were included in the study. Colostrum was collected 2-3 days after delivery. Cytokine concentrations were determined with commercial enzyme-linked immunosorbent systems. TGF-beta(1)was found in milk from 23 women in the control group (53.49%) and 11 in the allergy group (37.93%). When TGF-beta(1) was present, the median concentration was higher in the allergy group than in the control (61.5 and 30.4 pg/mL, respectively; P < 0.004). IL-10 was present in the colostrum of all the women and the median IL-10 concentration did not differ between the allergy (50.5 pg/mL) and control (51.5 pg/mL) groups. The probability of occurrence of a positive IL-4 value in the allergy group was greater than in the control group (chi-squared [df=1] = 2.60, P < 0.053). Median IL-4 level did not differ significantly between the two groups (0.5 and 0.5 pg/mL respectively). TGF-beta(1) was detected less often in the colostrum of allergic mothers than in that of mothers without allergy (but the difference was not statistically significant). IL-4 was found more often in the colostrum of allergic mothers than nonallergic ones. The allergy status did not correlate with IL-10 concentration.