Full length genome sequence of Polish isolate of Beet soil-borne virus confirms low level of genetic diversity.

  • Natasza Borodynko Institute of Plant Protection - National Research Institute, Department of Virology and Bacteriology, Poznań, Poland. N.Borodynko@ior.poznan.pl;
  • Beata Hasiów-Jaroszewska
  • Natalia Rymelska
  • Henryk Pospieszny


The complete nucleotide sequence of a Polish isolate of Beet soil-borne virus was determined for the first time. The genome organization was identical with those previously established for isolates from Germany and China. A comparison of the Polish isolate with others deposited in GenBank revealed high level of nucleotide identity, about 98-100%, throughout the genome analyzed. The ratio between non-synonymous and synonymous substitutions was rather low suggesting a negative selective pressure. The non-synonymous mutations were particulary frequent in triple gene block.