Identification of the csp gene and molecular modelling of the CspA-like protein from Antarctic soil-dwelling psychrotrophic bacterium Psychrobacter sp. B6.

  • Agnieszka Kaufman-Szymczyk Institute of Technical Biochemistry, Technical University of Lodz, Łódź, Poland.;
  • Arkadiusz Wojtasik
  • Paweł Parniewski
  • Aneta Białkowska
  • Karolina Tkaczuk
  • Marianna Turkiewicz


We cloned and sequenced the cspA-like gene from a psychrotrophic Antarctic soil-dwelling bacterial strain Psychrobacter sp. B6. The gene is 213 bp long and shows 99% and 98% sequence identity with the Psychrobacter cryohalolentis K5 gene encoding a cold-shock DNA-binding domain protein and the Psychrobacter arcticus transcriptional regulator-CspA gene, respectively. The protein encoded by the Psychrobacter sp. B6 cspA-like gene shows 100% identity with the two proteins mentioned above, and also 61% sequence identity with CspB from Bacillus subtilis and Csp from Bacillus caldolyticus, and 56% - with Escherichia coli CspA protein. A three-dimensional model of the CspA-like protein from Psychrobacter sp. B6 was generated based on three known structures of cold shock proteins: the crystal structure of the major cold shock protein from Escherichia coli (CspA), the NMR structure of the latter protein, and the NMR structure of Csp from Thermotoga maritima. The deduced structure of the CspA-like protein from Psychrobacter sp. B6 was found to be very similar to these known structures of Csp-like proteins.