Influence of oleic acid in different solvent media on BRL 3A cell growth and viability

  • Runqi Liu Heilongjiang Bayi Agricultural University
  • Chuang Xu Heilongjiang Bayi Agricultural University
  • Wei Yang Heilongjiang Bayi Agricultural University
  • Cheng Xia Heilongjiang Bayi Agricultural University
  • Yuanyuan Chen Heilongjiang Bayi Agricultural University
  • Sansi Gao
  • Baoyin Huang Heilongjiang Bayi Agricultural University
  • Ping He Heilongjiang Bayi Agricultural University
  • Zhihao Dong Heilongjiang Bayi Agricultural University
Keywords: oleic acid, nonalcoholic fatty liver disease, liver lipid deposition


Abstract: Oleic acid (OA) is widely used in pathology studies of hepatocellular lipid deposition. Identifying the effects of different solvents on OA-induced liver lipid deposition would be beneficial for studies on hepatocytes. We treated BRL 3A cells with OA dissolved in different solvents. After 12 h incubation, cell viability was assessed using MTT assays, reactive oxygen species (ROS), triglyceride (TG) and  total cholesterol (TC) counts, and expression level of glucose regulated protein (GRP78), sterol regulatory element binding protein (SREBP-1C) and fatty acid synthase (FAS) were analyzed. As results, H2O, PBS and DMSO are disadvantageous to the dissolution of OA that did not cause the corresponding response of hepatocytes. Alcohol+OA group caused severe ER stress, oxidative stress and hepatic fat deposition degree were significantly increased, but the alcohol group also leads to liver injury. BSA can promote cell growth and 1.2% BSA+OA group showed a lower grade TG and endoplasmic reticulum stress compared with KOH+OA and Alcohol+OA groups. KOH was not effective for BRL 3A cells. When treated with OA dissolved in KOH, BRL 3A cells showed a typically hepatocyte damage. KOH was considered the suitable choice of OA solvents for BRL 3A cells in hepatic lipidosis research.



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