Impact of polyphenol-rich green tea extracts on the protection of DOPC monolayer against damage caused by ozone induced lipid oxidation

  • Elżbieta Rudolphi-Skórska Institute Biology, Pedagogical University of Cracow
  • Barbara Dyba
  • Barbara Kreczmer
  • Maria Filek


Effectiveness of green tea (compared to two single polyphenols) in removing ozone derived reactive oxygen species acting on dioleoyl phosphatidylcholine monolayers was determined. The lipid oxidation was followed by changes of mechanical properties of the layer spreaded on the aqueous subphase containing various amounts of ozone in presence and absence of polyphenolics. It was shown that tea extract (containing 8.5x10-4 mg/cm3 polyphenols) is capable of inactivating 0.4 ppm ozone.

The DPPH radical scavenging test set polyphenols in the order of increasing activity, consistent with their protective effect in relation to lipid oxidation, showing the highest efficacy of EGCG.

Author Biography

Elżbieta Rudolphi-Skórska, Institute Biology, Pedagogical University of Cracow


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