Physicochemical analysis of phosphatidylcholine-ceramide system in bilayer lipid membranes.

  • Monika Naumowicz Institute of Chemistry, University of Bialystok, Białystok, Poland.;
  • Aneta Dorota Petelska
  • Zbigniew Artur Figaszewski


Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy was used for the study of two-component lipid membranes. Phosphatidylcholine and ceramide were to be investigated, since they play an important biochemical role in cell membranes. The research on biolipid interaction was focused on quantitative description of processes that take part in a bilayer. Assumed models of interaction between amphiphilic molecules and the equilibria that take place there were described by mathematical equations for the studied system. The possibility of complex formation for two-component system forming bilayers was assumed that could explain the deviation from additivity rule. Equilibria were described by mathematical equations that were further verified experimentally. The determined values of parameters (stability constant, molecular area of complex, capacitance and conductance of the lipid membranes formed from molecules and complexes) were used for calculation of model curves. The comparison of model curves and experimental points verified the assumed model.