Prenyl sulfates as alkylating reagents for mercapto amino acids.

  • Sergey Maltsev Kochetkov Laboratory of Carbohydrate Chemistry, Zelinsky Institute of Organic Chemistry, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russian Federation.;
  • Olga Sizova
  • Natalia Utkina
  • Vladimir Shibaev
  • Tadeusz Chojnacki
  • Wieslaw Jankowski
  • Ewa Swiezewska


A new methodology for prenylation of thiol compounds has been developed. The approach is based on the use of prenyl sulfates as new reagents for S-prenylation of benzenethiol and cysteamine in aqueous systems. The C(10)-prenols geraniol and nerol that differ in the configuration (E or Z, correspondingly) of the alpha-isoprene unit were efficiently O-sulfated in the presence of a pyridine-SO(3') complex. The obtained geranyl and neryl sulfates were tested as alkylating agents. These compounds were chosen to reveal the influence of the alpha-isoprene unit configuration on their alkylation (prenylation) ability. S-Geranyl cysteine was prepared to demonstrate the applicability of this method for prenylation of peptides containing mercapto amino acids.