15N magnetic relaxation study of backbone dynamics of the ribosome-associated cold shock response protein Yfia of Escherichia coli.

  • Igor Zhukov Institute of Biochemistry and Biophysics, Polish Academy of Sciences, Warszawa, Poland.;
  • Peter Bayer
  • Beate Schölermann
  • Andrzej Ejchart


In the solution structure of the ribosome-associated cold shock response protein Yfia of Escherichia coli in the free state two structural segments can be distinguished: a well structured, rigid N-terminal part displaying a betaalphabetabetabetaalpha topology and a flexible C-terminal tail comprising last 20 amino-acid residues. The backbone dynamics of Yfia protein was studied by (15)N nuclear magnetic relaxation at three magnetic fields and analyzed using model-free approach. The overall diffusional tumbling of the N-terminal part is strongly anisotropic with a number of short stretches showing increased mobility either on a subnanosecond time scale, or a micro- to millisecond time scale, or both. In contrast, the unstructured polypeptide chain of the C-terminal part, which cannot be regarded as a rigid structure, shows the predominance of fast local motions over slower ones, both becoming faster closer to the C-terminus.