In vitro plant tissue cultures accumulate polyisoprenoid alcohols.

  • Karolina Skorupinska-Tudek Department of Lipid Biochemistry, Institute of Biochemistry and Biophysics, Polish Academy of Sciences, Warszawa, Poland.;
  • Anna Pytelewska
  • Monika Zelman-Femiak
  • Jakub Mikoszewski
  • Olga Olszowska
  • Dorota Gajdzis-Kuls
  • Natalia Urbanska
  • Katarzyna Syklowska-Baranek
  • Józefina Hertel
  • Tadeusz Chojnacki
  • Ewa Swiezewska


In vitro cultivated plant cells and tissues were found to synthesize polyisoprenoids. Taxus baccata suspension cell cultures accumulated polyisoprenoids of the same pattern as the parental tissue; methyl jasmonate or chitosan treatment almost doubled their content. All the root cultures studied accumulated dolichols as predominant polyisoprenoids. Roots of Ocimum sanctum grown in vitro accumulated approx. 2.5-fold higher amount of dolichols than the roots of soil-grown plants. Dolichols dominated over polyprenols in all Triticum sp. tissues studied.