Relationship between the replicative age and cell volume in Saccharomyces cerevisiae.

  • Renata Zadrag Department of Biochemistry and Cell Biology, University of Rzeszów, Rzeszów, Poland.;
  • Magdalena Kwolek-Mirek
  • Grzegorz Bartosz
  • Tomasz Bilinski


Reaching the limit of cell divisions, a phenomenon referred to as replicative aging, of the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae involves a progressive increase in the cell volume. However, the exact relationship between the number of cell divisions accomplished (replicative age), the potential for further divisions and yeast cell volume has not been investigated thoroughly. In this study an increase of the yeast cell volume was achieved by treatment with pheromone alpha for up to 18 h. Plotting the number of cell divisions (replicative life span) of the pheromone-treated cells as a function of the cell volume attained during the treatment showed an inverse linear relationship. An analogous inverse relationship between the initial cell volume and replicative life span was found for the progeny of the pheromone-treated yeast. This phenomenon indicates that attaining an excessive volume may be a factor contributing to the limitation of cellular divisions of yeast cells.