Mapping of a transcription promoter located inside the priA gene of the Bacillus subtilis chromosome.

  • Krzysztof Hinc Department of Molecular Biology, University of Gdańsk, Gdańsk, Poland.;
  • Adam Iwanicki
  • Simone Seror
  • Michał Obuchowski


The genome sequence of the Gram-positive soil bacterium Bacillus subtilis was completed in 1997 (Kunst et al., 1998) and the results included the identification of a putative transcription unit encompassing the yloI to yloS genes. Within this region of the B. subtilis chromosome 11 putative open reading frames were found with a wide diversity of probable functions. In this work we have analyzed transcription in the region of the priA-cpgA genes and we have mapped a promoter which is located inside the priA gene and its activity directs transcription of the def-yloM genes. Moreover, this transcript can be extended at low level to the prpC-priK-cpgA genes. Analysis of the sequence in proximity of the transcription start site revealed a sequence suitable for the housekeeping sigma(A) subunit of RNA polymerase. Analysis of the beta-glactosidase activity of transcription fusions revealed that the identified promoter is active at low level and its activity is increased during late exponential phase of growth.