Expression of recombinant forms of human 21.5 kDa myelin basic protein and proteolipid protein in CHO cells.

  • Ewa Jaśkiewicz Laboratory of Immunochemistry of Glycoconjugates, Ludwik Hirszfeld Institute of Immunology and Experimental Therapy, Polish Academy of Sciences, Wrocław, Poland.;
  • Anna Jedynak
  • Ewa Zioło


MBP and PLP are major structural protein components of myelin. Both proteins play a functional role in formation of myelin sheath and in maintenance of its compaction. Immune responses to MBP and PLP have been implicated in the pathogenesis of multiple sclerosis (MS), an auto-immune disease of the central nervous system. Recombinant forms of both proteins isolated and purified from bacterial or insect cell systems are commonly used to study the specificity of auto-response in MS. We have prepared recombinant forms of MBP and PLP stably expressed in CHO cells. Several clones with proper cytoplasmic MBP or surface PLP localization were obtained and characterized by flow cytometry and indirect immunostaining. CHO cells expressing the recombinant forms of MBP and PLP can be very useful in studies on the autoimmune mechanism of MS.