New spectrophotometric methods for the determination of nifedipine in pharmaceutical formulations.

  • Nafisur Rahman Department of Chemistry, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh, India.;
  • Syed Najmul Hejaz Azmi


Two simple, sensitive and economical spectrophotometric methods were developed for the determination of nifedipine in pharmaceutical formulations. Method A is based on the reaction of the nitro group of the drug with potassium hydroxide in dimethyl sulphoxide (DMSO) medium to form a coloured product, which absorbs maximally at 430 nm. Method B uses oxidation of the drug with ammonium molybdate and subsequently reduced molybdenum blue is measured at 830 nm. Beer's law is obeyed in the concentration range of 5.0-50.0 and 2.5-45.0 microg ml(-1) with methods A and B, respectively. Both methods have been successfully applied for the assay of the drug in pharmaceutical formulations. No interference was observed from common pharmaceutical adjuvants. The reliability and the performance of the proposed methods are established by point and interval hypothesis tests and through recovery studies.