Effect of deletion mutation on the recombination activity of Cre recombinase.

  • Liu Rongrong The National Laboratory of Protein Engineering and Plant Genetic Engineering, Peking University, Beijing, PR China.;
  • Wang Lixia
  • Lin Zhongping


Cre recombinase from bacteriophage P1 is widely used in both in vitro and in vivo DNA manipulations. Based on a structural and functional analysis, three deleted cre mutants were constructed and expressed in Escherichia coli. Mutated recombinases were purified and their recombination activities were determined in vitro. Our results revealed that the mutant with amino-terminal deletion retains the recombination activity as high as wild type Cre; however, the carboxy-terminal deletion and the middle region deletion both lead to a complete loss of the recombinase function.