Genetic immunization of ducks for production of antibodies specific to Helicobacter pylori UreB in egg yolks.

  • Kacper Kazimierczuk Institute of Biochemistry and Biophysics, Polish Academy of Sciences, Warszawa, Poland.;
  • Lucyna Cova
  • Benedicte Ndeboko
  • Urszula Szczyrk
  • Aneta Targosz
  • Tomasz Brzozowski
  • Agnieszka Sirko


Following genetic immunization of laying ducks with a plasmid expressing Helicobacter pylori UreB (large subunit of urease), IgY against UreB were obtained from egg yolks. These polyclonal and monospecific IgY antibodies are of higher-titer and specifically recognize recombinant H. pylori urease purified from Escherichia coli. To our knowledge this is the first report describing generation of IgY antibodies directed against antigens of H. pylori by DNA-based immunization.