Escherichia coli small heat shock proteins IbpA/B enhance activity of enzymes sequestered in inclusion bodies.

  • Dorota Kuczyńska-Wiśnik Department of Biochemistry, University of Gdańsk, Gdańsk, Poland.;
  • Dorota Zurawa-Janicka
  • Joanna Narkiewicz
  • Joanna Kwiatkowska
  • Barbara Lipińska
  • Ewa Laskowska


Escherichia coli small heat shock proteins, IbpA/B, function as molecular chaperones and protect misfolded proteins against irreversible aggregation. IbpA/B are induced during overproduction of recombinant proteins and bind to inclusion bodies in E. coli cells. We investigated the effect of DeltaibpA/B mutation on formation of inclusion bodies and biological activity of enzymes sequestered in the aggregates in E. coli cells. Using three different recombinant proteins: Cro-beta-galactosidase, beta-lactamase and rat rHtrA1 we demonstrated that deletion of the ibpA/B operon did not affect the level of produced inclusion bodies. However, in aggregates containing IbpA/B a higher enzymatic activity was detected than in the IbpA/B-deficient inclusion bodies. These results confirm that IbpA/B protect misfolded proteins from inactivation in vivo.