Oxidation of glycerol-3-phosphate in porcine and bovineadrenal cortex mitochondria.

  • Jerzy Popinigis Department of Bioenergetics, Jedrzej Sniadecki University School of Physical Education and Sport, Gdańsk, Poland.;
  • Jedrzej Antosiewicz
  • Jan Jacek Kaczor
  • Hana Rauchová
  • Giorgio Lenaz


The capabilities of porcine adrenal cortex mitochondria to oxidize glycerol-3-phosphate (GP) were studied. In comparison with bovine adrenal cortex mitochondria, porcine mitochondria oxidized GP about three times more actively (18.9 vs 6.1 nmol O(2)/min per mg protein in the presence of ADP) and the activity of mitochondrial glycerol-3-phosphate dehydrogenase was about four times higher (33.4 vs 8.2 nmol/min per mg protein). In porcine adrenal cortex mitochondria we found similar values for succinate and GP oxidation both in the absence and presence of ADP or deoxycorticosterone (DOC). Rotenone sensitivity of DOC stimulation of GP oxidation indicated that porcine adrenal cortex mitochondria are able to oxidize GP and thus to generate NADPH from GP, presumably via reverse electron transport followed by energy-dependent NADH-NADP transhydrogenation.